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Welcome to EQ4KIDZ.com
This web address is part of the Victoria Carlton Programs and you may have been re-directed here if you typed in www.eq4kidz.com
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
To download list of Healing Books click here
Strategies from this successful course were featured on the Channel 7 TV show TODAY TONIGHT
Just like an ice-berg, so many of us bury our true thoughts and feelings and then experience TITANIC moments where we lose our tempers, feel unmotivated and generally stressed out! This course helps children avoid the TITANIC moments by learning about their deeper levels!
A course to help all children reach for the stars and maximise their potential
This is a 5 session course is designed to help children:
- Increase self-esteem
- Understand and manage their feelings
- Develop strategies to handle frustration and anger
- Develop “I CAN”attitudes
- Establish healthy boundaries and become assertive
- Become happier with a more positive attitude
- Develop resilience
- Deal with bullies
- Improve social skills and form appropriate friendships
- Increase personal motivation
- Form goals and develop the ability to “follow-through”
This is a 15 hour course.
A course will be scheduled periodically based on demand. Courses may be held during 5 afternoons of a school holiday or on 5 Saturday afternoons during term time.
Only trained facilitators are used to run the course and we establish a nurturing, warm environment to foster your child’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence).
You will be given suggestions to help you put strategies in place in the home and at the end of the course you will be given an appraisal of your child and suggestions for further improvements.
It is important that your child attends ALL 5 sessions to get the most out of the course.
INVESTMENT: $480 (This may be paid week by week after an initial deposit of $160 has been made).
The parents of children enrolled in EQ4KIDZ are required to participate in our EQ4FAMILIES training. The changes that you desire for your children cannot happen just by a 15 hour course. It also needs positive reinforcement by you during the course and in the future. The best way to achieve this is by your attendance at the EQ4FAMILIES workshop. This workshop is run over 2 evenings and gives you many practical strategies for nurturing harmony and emotional intelligence in the home.
More information about the EQ4FAMILIES workshop and the dates for the workshops are further down the page.
Please call us if you have any queries about the course. We also help children with all types of learning difficulties and we find participation in this course definitely improves academic outcomes.
All children will need a folder for notes and an old shirt for art activities.
You are charged for all sessions-even if you miss one. Your child will be invited to make up their session at the next EQ4KIDZ cycle.
Many children need more than 1 cycle of EQ4KIDZ- it all depends on the issues involved and their responses. The following cycles are offered at $380.
Individual EQ follow-up counselling is offered at $120 per hour.
On the first day when you bring your child please be 10 minutes early, bring your child into the teaching area and leave fairly quickly so we can establish rapport with your child and acquaint them with the environment.
A Parent Course to Boost Family EQ
Do you ever feel as if your kids come from a different planet?
Would you like your family to be closer and really understand each other?
How can we create EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT homes that nurture potential, respect and love?
YES, you can, no matter what your current family situation, by applying simple techniques taught at this workshop!
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ) is the key to healthy self-esteem, motivation and the ability to set and follow through on goals.
EQ is far more important than IQ in terms of predicting successful school results and future mental health .
Created in response to feedback from our popular EQ4KIDZ course, EQ4Families introduces families to the same hands-on strategies taught to kids in EQ4KIDZ.
Learning and applying these strategies at home can improve harmony and promote optimistic attitudes in ALL families while raising the self-esteem of family members.
Who Should Attend:
All Parents of children enrolled in EQ4Kidz, other interested parents, teachers, counsellors, community workers, and anyone interested in happier families – their own or others.
About the EQ4Families Creator:
Victoria Carlton, Director of ICE and author of the EQ4KIDZ program, personally created this workshop. Armed with 30 years of teaching experience (pre-primary to tertiary), Victoria has served as education consultant for various government and non-government organisations. She specialises in remedial education for dyslexia, autism, ADD or other learning challenges, as well as programs for gifted and talented children. Her child-centred multi-sensory methods have proven successful in Western Australia , Singapore , Malaysia and India .
EQ4SCHOOLS and Facilitators
(EQ4KIDZ training for facilitators).
We are now offering training to all educators and staff who work with children, so that the EQ4KIDZ program can be offered to all Primary aged children. This nationally acclaimed program has helped literally thousands of children to improve emotional intelligence and increase motivation and self-confidence.
EQ4KIDZ has 5 modules and is designed to help children
- Increase self-esteem
- Understand and manage their feelings
- Develop strategies to handle frustration and anger
- Develop “I CAN”attitudes
- Establish healthy boundaries and become assertive
- Become happier with a more positive attitude
- Develop resilience
- Deal with bullies
- Improve social skills and form appropriate friendships
- Increase personal motivation
- Form goals and develop the ability to “follow-through”
- Children who recognise and understand their feelings become more adept at handling and expressing them appropriately
- Children and teachers who are less unduly stressed are able to manage competing demands more effectively
- Children who have become better listeners are more likely to see the other person’s point of view
- Children gain an increased attention span
- Children develop skills at forming and maintaining relationships
- Children will have learned problem-solving methods that lead to enhanced interpersonal skills as adults
- Children learn to manage conflicts and are therefore less likely to be involved in crime, particularly those crimes involving violence
- Children who have learned skills that enhance their future parenting skills
(Nurturing EMOTIONAL LITERACY by Peter Sharp)
EI has been a popular and very useful construct in the workplace for a number of years, but, as Geoff Maslan reports, (Age, 4/8/08:3), there is accumulating evidence that EI is also related to important educational outcomes, including connectedness to school, effort and initiative in class, reduced aggressive band rule-breaking behaviour, lower levels of depression and anxiety, fewer social and attention problems, fewer unauthorised absences and suspensions, better coping strategies and improved academic achievement” (Australian Council For Educational Leaders, Directions in Education Vol 17, no 14, 15/8/2008
This day is designed to give you an overview of the research and scope of Emotional Intelligence, and to help you understand the concept of emotional competencies. You will be given opportunities to review your own emotional intelligence skills- as they relate to your personal life and also as they relate to your chosen career.
You will be given a reflection journal to record your impressions, ideas and realisations and taken through a gentle process that will help you to fully understand the significance of EQ in all our lives. This will be an interactive day with information, reflection, creative responses and discussion, all aimed at helping you to raise personal and work EQ.
The degree to which I can create relationships which facilitate the growth of others as separate persons is a measure of the growth I have achieved in myself.
Carl R. Rogers
Perceiving, Behaving and Becoming
You will actually be led through the 7 modules of the highly successful EQ4KIDZ program and encouraged to participate fully. This approach empowers you to fully understand and appreciate the process of EQ4KIDZ and be able to present it confidently.
You will focus on the content and delivery of all the modules of EQ4KIDZ. All course materials and resources will be explained and you will be through a module by module facilitation process.
All facilitators will receive a manual with detailed teaching notes and materials to use with children. This day will deal with all the practical considerations of the course and also help you to understand the importance of the parent information session.
The 2-day seminar will fully empower facilitators to run the course in their own schools and other educational settings.
Please contact us for current pricing schedules.
Centrally arranged courses: Charged per participant. (Includes materials, and 2 days of training)
School based courses: Charged per school for full training for schools. (Includes materials and 2 days of training for up to 35 teachers to be trained.)
If your numbers are less or you have specific needs, please contact us for individual quotations.
Training for overseas schools will attract travel costs.
Please do contact us for individualised quotations to suit your particular needs.
NB. This course also includes the licence fee for 12 months.
This licence is not transferable to a non-EQ4KIDZ school or teacher/therapist.
The licence fee is payable each year and is charged per school or per individual teacher or therapist. This licence fee will cover additional material and support for your school, plus opportunities for your staff to attend refresher courses at Victoria Carlton Programs at very low cost.
Some teachers, counsellors, therapists may wish to purchase their own licences so they can work with clients on an ongoing basis in their own contexts.
This course can be taken by teachers, counsellors, psychologists and most therapists who are qualified to help children.
An Emotional Intelligence course for Business.
We are also able to present Emotional Intelligence courses for business.This can either be undertaken by indivisuals/small groups at our premises or in your business location.
The next scheduled workshop will run at our premises on the 10th February 2014 click here to download thye flyer.
You will learn-
- Emotional intelligence has been proven to be a more effective predictor of success that IQ.
- High emotional intelligence will lead to increased profits, productivity and a happier work atmosphere.
- Relationships between managers and employees will be enhanced and a greater level of shared goals and common purpose will be experienced.
- By attendance at this workshop you will understand the physical components of EQ, the strategies you can employ to raise both personal and career oriented EQ.
- This workshop is practical, hands on and fun.
- It will give you a clear understanding of the importance of Emotional Intelligence and the positive impact high levels can have on your personal and work-life.
If you would like to have this workshop for your staff and held in your premises please contact us to arrange your specific needs and to schedule dates. This course can also be structured to be specific for an individual company or group. It has been successfully run by us in Australia Post, a major WA Finance group and in small businesses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]