[vc_row type=”container” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]INFORMATION ABOUT VICTORIA CARLTON PROGRAMS
Victoria Carlton, is a talented international educator and trains teachers all around the globe to use more effective, enjoyable and research based methods to help children reach their full potential.
She also works with children of all ages and is the Director the Victoria Carlton Programs and uses the programs in running her own education centre in Perth, Western Australia: THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE. This organisation has helped thousands of children reach their potential in literacy and maths by the use of their creative, research based and systematic teaching approaches.
Victoria has chosen the Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar programs plus her own CREAM method to help ALL children improve and succeed at literacy skills. She also draws extensively from the Multiple Intelligence research by Howard Gardner from Harvard University and believes ALL children have talents.
She specialises in literacy education, emotional intelligence, teaching children with learning difficulties and providing challenge programs for gifted and talented children.
This is not a “one size fits all” approach. It is a “boutique” approach to enrichment, developed over many years of teaching, observations and research by Victoria Carlton. Her methods have been used with great success in Australia for over 20 years and she is now able to offer her engaging, successful programs to children around the world. License holders have free access to advice from Victoria and her team in Perth and can ask for specific advice regarding individual students
Victoria’s innovative and evidence based literacy programs are unique in these ways:
They encourage creativity and deep comprehension.
- Teachers actually TEACH rather than just using worksheets.
- Oral language, phonics, reading, comprehension, spelling and creative writing are all woven in; thereby making this a total literacy program.
- Victoria’s approach to Phonics is proven to help children perform at a level at least 1 year ahead of their academic year level.
- Her program for reading skills will give your children an appreciation of quality literature, increase comprehension & fluency & lead children to a life-long love of reading!
- All techniques have been trialled to ensure they are effective.
- Children working below and above the average levels are catered for.
- Parents receive written feedback each week and children LOVE to attend!
- Brain stimulation techniques, concentration and creativity exercises are built in to all lessons and fine and gross motor exercises are provided.
- The programs are regularly updated.
Currently we are offering three different licences, each of which have options about how many levels may be purchased. The licences are: a Literacy Licence, EQ4KIDZ – a licence for Victoria Carlton’s Emotional Intelligence workshops and the STAR licence (Students at Risk) for the actions required to get the students who are falling through the cracks back on track.
Teach phonics, reading, grammar, literature, writing and the “nuts and bolts” in interesting ways that help ensure children reach their highest academic potential and become life-long lovers of the English language.
They also:
- Improve oral language, speech and the confidence to speak clearly and coherently.
- Help children develop appreciation of quality literature and develop deep comprehension skills.
- Help children to be able to write coherently, descriptively and imaginatively.
- Improve their imaginations through a unique approach using visualisations specially written by Victoria.
- Improve creative thinking, problem solving and brain development by engaging children in exercises designed to stimulate specific learning areas of the brain.
- Foster the growth of all the Eight Intelligences, including emotional intelligence.
This program is based on 30 years of research and practical application.
- Full training
- Lesson plans, worksheets, songs, rhymes, flash cards, some reading materials and parent feedback information.
- Direct guidance and support from The International Centre for Excellence.
- Your details featured on the Victoria Carlton Programs and September 21 websites.
- Regular Updates
(Emotional Intelligence for Children)
This internationally acclaimed, fully researched program has helped thousands of children to improve emotional intelligence and increase motivation, resilience and self-confidence.
- Children who recognise and understand their feelings can handle them appropriately.
- Children who are less stressed are able to manage competing demands more effectively.
- High EQ children are better listeners and are more likely to see the other person’s point of view.
- Children gain an increased attention span when calm and this leads to increased academic performance.
- High EQ helps with formation and maintenance of healthy relationships.
- High EQ leads to improved problem-solving skills and they result in enhanced life-long interpersonal skills as adults.
- Children who learn to manage strong feelings such as anger, are likely to be calmer, happier and enjoy higher levels of mental and physical health.
This program is based on 15 years of research and practical application.
This is a 5 module course designed to help children:
- Increase self-esteem.
- Perceive the links between thoughts and feelings.
- Understand and manage their feelings.
- Develop strategies to handle frustration and anger.
- Develop “I CAN” attitudes.
Establish healthy boundaries and become assertive.
- Become happier with a more positive attitude.
- Develop resilience.
- Deal with bullies and become assertive.
- Improve social skills and form appropriate friendships.
- Increase personal motivation.
- Form goals and develop the ability to “follow-through”.
- Full training
- Lesson plans, worksheets, songs, teaching resources including affirmation cards, visualisations and many stories and books written by Victoria.
- Direct guidance and support from Victoria Carlton Programs.
- Guidance for running parent seminars.
- Your details featured on the Victoria Carlton Programs and September 21 websites.
Full teaching materials are available at four levels, 3-5 years, 6-8 years, 9-11 years and 12-14 years.
STAR (Students At Risk)
The STAR program is a unique and comprehensive program to help ALL children reach their full potential.
Who will STAR help?
- Children with learning difficulties.
- Students having difficulties with English skills.
- Teachers who need structured programs to help these children.
What philosophy is STAR based on?
International educator, Victoria Carlton has worked with children from all backgrounds and abilities. She is the Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Perth, Australia where she researched, trialled and developed intensive learning programs to help all children from 4-17 years.
Victoria believes all children can learn.
Victoria has developed a program based on Howard Gardner’s 8 intelligences and her own CREAM learning principles:
Victoria believes learning is a life-long empowering process and her aim is to entice, excite and enthuse ALL children. Her programs are interesting, hands on, built on sound pedagogical principles and deliver results.
Teachers receive detailed lesson plans, reading materials, worksheets and parent education materials.
This program is based on 30 years of research and practical application.
What does the STAR program provide?
- Research based strategies designed to help ALL children improve literacy outcomes.
- Interesting, carefully sequenced specific lesson plans.
- Reading material that supports struggling readers.
- All children are given access to an online reading program to further extend and consolidate word recognition, fluency and comprehension.
- Teaching materials and games to raise self-esteem and EQ.
- Specific brain stimulation techniques.
- Full training.
- Direct guidance and support from The International Centre for Excellence.
- Your details featured on the International Centre for Excellence and September 21 websites.
As we are totally committed to helping children with learning problems, we offer a support service to our licensees. They can access email support with trained Victoria Carlton Programs staff to ensure you are offering a quality service for the children you enroll.
We believe ALL children can learn.